What We Do

Urgent VOICE solves two problems:

ONE: how to be an effective Ally across digital divides.

Allyship requires advocating for others. To widen the impact, messaging needs to be shared with people that do not already agree — ie, the most effective results will be found when sharing with new people rather than just preaching to the choir. Urgent VOICE enables this with the powerful mechanism of advertising to new groups of people using digital adverts outside of the allies’ own groups of friends and family.

TWO: how to aggregate Allyship to commercial scale.

The economics of the advertising world demand large scale, and hence larger brands drive the marketplace with bulk buying. It’s not economic for Individual Allies to buy ad space for Allyship ads. Urgent VOICE solves this problem by being the aggregator. Grouping 1000 people that each want to send Ally messaging to 5000 recipients creates an aggregated scale of 5 million adverts that is commercially viable.

Through this powerful solution we enable Allyship and seek to influence democratic process with respectful advertising on fundamental issues to shape voter choices. This is done by:

  1. Choosing issues impacting communities and the environment that need advocacy, defining each campaign stance.
  2. Creating Adverts that compel people to guide their vote with heart-felt issues rather than the egos of candidate or party.
    Gain Advisory Council approval for each advert to ensure it matches the specific campaign goals as well as the general Urgent VOICE standards of positivity and absence of hate-speech.
  3. Fundraising through merchandise sales and donations. Aggregated funds are used to pay for advertising campaigns at a commercially viable scale. Maximum impact is gained by a laser focus on Swing States.

Urgent VOICE is driving 3 issues: Humanity, Anti-Racism, and Climate Change.

The example below shows how an individual can be an ally in the campaign against systemic racism by:

  • selecting the issue: Systemic Racism
  • donating $100
  • seeing their donation directly funding swing state adverts compelling voters to vote for effective change.

What we don't do​

The mechanism is to advocate for issues. We do not advocate for any political party or candidate.